EXPT/ Galaxy

Here's just something I made to keep up practice in After effects. I'm Rally trying to add texture with this and i still gotta figure out how you get that choppy look to your animations.

Watch Galaxy GIF on Gfycat. Discover more related GIFs on Gfycat

EXPT/ Ol' Shifty Eyes

Man this JoysticksnSliders plugin is amazing. All those wasted hours rigging faces gone forever!

Here's a little experiment using an old face I made for fun a while back. Oh and I've got an Instagram up and running, I should probably figure out how to put the button up in the nav bar...

Watch Shifty Eyes Loop GIF on Gfycat. Discover more GIFS online at Gfycat.

Watch Shiftyeyes Joysticks GIF on Gfycat. Discover more GIFS online at Gfycat.

EXPT/ Pixel Sorted Lights

Part of a series of gifs i made after getting a new pixel sorting plugin for after effects. original gif from /u/orbojungler over on reddit.
